Saturday, February 16, 2013

Random thoughts

So now I am bored with the food log.  Who really cares anyway?

Bri left this morning to go look at sailboats in New Bern.  I am sure we will be new owners sooner rather than later.  He needs an outlet.

Tonight is the Valentines Banquet fund raiser at church.  All four boys will be helping as waiters or whatever else is needed.  They have been learning to tie ties this morning.  I just need to iron their dress clothes and they will be four sharp looking guys!

I am missing FB.  Still have two weeks to go on my break.  It has been a good break. Really shown me how much more I can accomplish in a day with out checking it so much.  But I haven't cheated.  Bri will go on a check it, so people probably think I am cheating, but I'm not.

Better get busy with my work.

Have a great day!


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