Monday, March 29, 2010

Garden Fever

I've come down with a serious case this year. Hoping and praying the garden in my reality will somewhat resemble the garden in my head!

The garlic we planted last fall is doing well. It is nice to see the little bit of green in the sea of brown.

We have several tomatoes and peppers starting to sprout indoors. All of my herbs in the kitchen widow have also sprouted! This is my first time to start things from seed inside. They have a long way to go till they look like the plants we saw for sale at Dillons last night. But I know it will be worth the wait.

I am also trying several new things this year. I want to plant a few rows of wheat just for fun. Pretend I live in Bible times or be the Little Red Hen and "do it my self" With the boys help of course! Also I want to plant some pinto beans and see what happens.

We also have the usual wonderful things. Corn, green beans, squash, cantaloupe, potatoes, popcorn,carrots and others I can't think of right now.

Today I'll have the boys help me plant potatoes. We'll also see if we can get an avocado to root by sticking toothpicks in the middle and letting the bottom half sit in a cup of water.

Happy Gardening!


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