Tuesday, July 19, 2011

When the Cats Away...

The mice will PLAY!

Brian is away this week for work conferences. The boys and I have had a busy first two days!

After dropping Bri off at the airport early Monday morning we went to visit my grandparents. My Mom is in town and we haven't gotten to see her very much. We spent the entire day then Mom took us all out for dinner.

Today, we spent the morning and early afternoon with Bri's sister and her two boys. We met at their house then went to the sprinkler park in Riverside. All six boys had a blast playing in the water! Back at the house we had lunch and the kids went out to play. A couple minutes later they came running back in with a screaming Nathan. He had gotten stung 2x! by wasps. Once above his right eyebrow and once on the back of his head! After that we went downstairs to watch the boys play wii. They've decided the golf is pretty fun! So funny to watch them!

On the way home we stopped off at the library. Thursday evening they will be showing a free movie. So the kids are all asking to go see it. Probably will if they behave the next couple days. :-)

Wednesday our plans are to just hang at home for the morning, have lunch then go swimming at the Y. After that I want to stop by the Farmer's Market and see if I can find any amazing deals!

We will also be dog sitting for some good friends. Abby is getting on in doggie years so she will be pretty easy to watch! We are also continuing our cat feeding and plant watering job for some other friends.

Busy bees is what we are when Daddy is traveling!


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