Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Becoming Minimalists

We are planning to move onto our 40 ft sailboat and live and cruise up and down the eastern seaboard.  Not much will fit on a boat along with six people. So we have been paring waaay down.

This past Saturday we had the first of two garage/moving sales.

We sold quite a bit, but still have a lot left.  We also keep finding more and more to add to it.  What doesn't sell, will be given to friends or donated. 

We were not planning to sell the beds and dressers quite yet, but when buyers asked at the sale, we went ahead.  Now we are house camping.  Want to see what that looks like? Air mattress and pallets on the floor, new tubs for clothes and shoes...

We are storing things with a couple of friends. We bought a cargo trailer to keep seasonal clothes, tools and other misc. things we will need easier access to.

We have about two and half weeks left in the house. It is feeling bigger and bigger as it gets emptied out.  The boys have been great. They are much better of letting go of things than I am.  But they are just things. I seem to attach too many memories to certain things rather than just taking a picture and treasuring them in my heart. 

It is also freeing in a way to not have as much stuff. Too many things can start to suffocate after awhile. Less really is more.

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