Tuesday, May 3
Rainy day. We were thankful we made the decision to come in the night before rather than come in during rain.
Wednesday, May 4
My friend, Geri, came early to pick up the boys and I. We went back to their house and just enjoyed being back with friends!
We finally got to meet Dixon, their new puppy.
They treated us to lunch at Golden Corral.
Meanwhile, back at the club, Brian was working on Steve's outboard engine with the help of Ed, the engine guru at the club.
Thursday, May 5
I went with Geri to the Grifton Assisted Living Center, where she is the Activities director. It was Bingo day. I really enjoyed meeting some of the residents and helping out.
That evening was the monthly birthday party at the rest home for residents who had May birthdays. Geri, Coleman, Jacob and I went.
Friday, May 6
That morning, Geri and I went to Linda's to pick up some stuff she was donating to an upcoming yard sale Geri was putting on to raise money for the rest home.
That afternoon, Geri went to work, and I stayed at the house with her dad and the boys. Len and I did some Bible study while the boys were in and out.
They were working on a shelter in the goats pen.
Using just what was around, they did a great job.
That night, Greg rented two Redbox movies. Peanuts and Norm of the North. With Daniel's famous popcorn and soda, we had a great evening.
Saturday, May 7
When we are down at the club, the older boys sometimes crew on other boats on race days. One of the members drove to Grifton that morning to pick up Caleb to crew in the race that day.
You will remember from last months post that we had left Luke in Charleston, SC with my friend and her family. With a busy month coming up, it was time for Luke to come back to us, just in time for Mother's day.
They put him on the Amtrack Train at 10am and Geri and I picked him up at the station in Wilson, NC about 2:30.
It was so good to have my boy back! He was only gone about a week and a half, but still.
He had a great time in SC and a good trip back. We went back to the house for a while and hung out before Geri brought us back down to New Bern.
Sunday, May 8
For Mother's Day Luke gave me some gifts from SC sent back with him from Kim and MaryAnn. So thoughtful of all of them!
That day, we rode bikes, napped, and had the Sunday evening potluck in the clubhouse.
Monday, May 9
We left the T dock at the club about 9:30 and sailed up to New Bern. We decided to anchor in the Trent River and had the anchor down by noon. After lunch, we all walked to Wal-Mart, about two and a half miles away.
We needed to get Luke new tubes for his bike and a new seat. We also got odds and ends you always need. Brian and Nathan got new sandals, theirs were more than worn out.
Tuesday, May 10
Brian and the older boys work on cleaning the hull of the boat. Nathan and I work on his school.
Luke had finished all his school work back in April. We decided to have his graduation that evening.
I made one of his favorite dinners and baked him an apple pie. During dinner we all went around and shared how Luke has been an encouragement and blessing to each of us throughout his life and prayed for his future. Then Brian presented him with his diploma.
Brian and I got up early to kayak. Later in the morning, we walked to town for a date. We went to the Chinese Buffet near Ollies.
On the way back we stopped back in to walmart. We ended up buying two bicycles that were marked down 60%. We thought they would take up less room on the rail of the boat.
That night we had movie night on the boat. We watched an old favorite, Dudley Do Right and then a few episodes of The Beverly HIllbillies.
Thursday, May 12
Family morning at Union Point. Bike riding, picnic lunch, frisbee. Brian got the propane refilled in Bridgeton. The old place near the blueberry farm closed down, but a sign said to go to the KOA camp ground, so he did. They were very friendly, and we paid the least we ever have.
Geri came and picked up Luke and Jacob at 4pm to take them to Grifton and Greenville. Jacob for the summer, and Luke to start life on land and look for a job.
Friday, May 13
Darrell Foster came to look at the engine on the boat. Gave estimate to do some repairs.
I have gotten back into making kombucha, and it was time to bottle and batch and start a new one.
Saturday, May 14
Caleb and Brian pulled the anchor up at 9:40am and we came back to the club and anchored off of C dock.
Took our laundry to the back porch of the bath house and did the laundry, then hung the clothes on the lifelines of the boat to dry.
That evening was the monthly social and potluck in the club house. The entertainment was Nautical Jepardy. It was a lot of fun.
Our team tied for second place.
Sunday, May 15
We pulled the anchor and headed back to New Bern. My aunt Mary's brother-in-law, Randy was in town on business, and we invited him to go sailing for the afternoon.
We picked him up at Union Point and had a nice sail in the Neuse all afternoon.
Afterward, he drove us to Little Caesars and we had a pic nic pizza dinner back at the park.
Monday, May 16
Caleb took Brian and a bike in the dinghy to shore so Brian could return some things to Wal Mart and he came back with snacks and a few other things.
Nathan kayaked a bit. That evening we watched a movie on the laptop.
Tuesday, May 17
We all walked around town. Then stopped and had lunch at a new place called Cilantro's. It was ok. Nice to eat out, but probably would not go back.
That evening when Randy got off work, he loaned us his car to grocery shop. We went to Greenville to the Aldi, then stopped by Geri's to visit them and the boys. We got back late, but it was worth it.
Wednesday, May 18
Rainy morning. Nathan did his school work. After lunch it cleared off some. We were all bored and decided to head back down to the club. We had great wind for sailing.
We went back because the mechanic was supposed to have the parts in and do the work towards the end of the week. That didn't happen, but still nice to be back.
We anchored again off of C dock. That night we watched a movie in the clubhouse. " The World's Fastest Indian."
Thursday, May 19
Brian and I got up early for coffee and a walk in the neighborhood. Later, Brian and Caleb cleaned the hull of the boat. Nathan did school. Family bike ride after dinner.
Friday, May 20
Brian and Caleb went with Capt. Archer to get fuel in his boat at NW Creek. I made a batch of potato salad to have later with dinner. Nathan did school.
Then Nathan and I went with Jim and Joni Floyd to Wal -Mart and then lunch at Chick-fil-A. After dinner we played 1-4-24, a dice game in the clubhouse with friends.
Saturday, May 21
Jim and Joni gave Caleb an amazing gift of a full set of foul weather gear.
Brian went sailing with a friend on one of his small boats. While they were out, Caleb and Nathan joined in helping wash the Opti fleet getting ready for summer kids sailing camps.
That evening after dinner, Jim, Joni, Brian and I went for a kayak. Later, we played Aggrivation with Charlie, Richard, Jim, and Joni.
Sunday, May 22
We had so much fun kayaking the evening before, Joni wanted to go again at sunrise. At 6:30 they knocked on our hull. We each had a lidded cup of coffee, and Joni gave each of us a Kind bar. We basically just paddled out a little bit and drank our coffee and visited. It was a great start to the morning.
Later in the morning, Brian went sailing with another friend. I got to catch up with our friends, the Princes. Katherine left a 550 piece jigsaw puzzle for us to work on during the week.
Monday, May 23
Rainy afternoon. Nathan did school in the morning. In the clubhouse, we started on the puzzle with Charlie. That night, he stayed up late and got all of the boarder completed.
Tuesday, May 24
I did laundry with Caleb and Nathan. Nathan did his school work. In the early afternoon our friend,Ben , arrived.
Ben had befriended us last summer in the grocery store in Annapolis, MD. He singlehands a 37ft Pacific Sailcraft named Loon.
He was working his way back north from the Bahama's and stopped to visit a few days.
Wednesday, May 25
Caleb has taken over Luke's boat washing business. He works hard to do a good job and follow all of the customer's request.
One customer requested his boat be washed while there was still dew on it. Caleb got up extra early and was at the boat before 6am.
Brian, Ben, and Chessley spend most of the day in Oriental going to consignment shops and looking at boats.
Thursday, May 26
Nathan did his school work.
Caleb was hired to wash a 19 ft Flying Scott. After dinner that night we watched as "Pinch" was put in the water.
It was too late to sail that evening, but we looked forward to when we would go out.
After working on the puzzle off and on with Charlie, we finished it!
Friday, May 27
Ben left early in the morning to continue his journey home.
Caleb washes a 32 ft Catalina. We moved our boat to the T dock to fill the tanks with water, then Nathan washed Grace with Caleb supervising.
Later Brian went to town with Chessley to get some parts from West Marine.
Before dinner, Jim and Joni took the boys and I sailing on Pinch.
Saturday, May 28
We re-anchor the boat back off of C dock. Jim and Joni take Brian and I for a sail on Pinch. Great wind and we had a good few hours.
Nathan and Caleb join the Princes on their boat in a fun race to New Bern and back.
Sunday, May 29
Brian and Bill leave to head back to Raleigh to catch a flight to Fl.
Another member of our sailing club got injured while in the Islands. Bill and Charlie brought the boat to Vero Beach. Now Brian and Bill will be bringing it back to New Bern.
In the early afternoon, my friend Geri, brought her two boys and my other two guys down for a visit! She and I went on a wal mart run. Once we got back, Coleman and Luke kayaked the groceries out to the boat. They were able to stay for the Sunday evening potluck, before having to get back home.
Monday, May 30
Rainy day. We hung out in the club house. I worked on starting to hand sew some quilt blocks. In a break in the rain, Caleb washed another boat and Nathan washed a kayak.
Tuesday, May 31
Another day at the club. We got in a 5 mile bike ride before it started raining again.
That evening Capt. Archer and Charlie left to head to Okracoke. We stood on the dock and watched them head out.
Caleb, Nathan and I are still at the club until Brian and Bill return. Taking things one day at a time.
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