Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I am tired. Not just need more sleep tired. I am tired of everything. Tired of cleaning rooms,clothes,dishes... then 5 minutes later start all over again. I am tired of, gasp! facebook. I am tired of myself. I wake up each morning thinking of all the things I will get done that day. How this will be the day I will get it all done. School, meals, exercise, and have time left over to just ENJOY the boys.

Then I get up, get Brian fed and off to work and read my Bible. The kids start to get up and I do good for a while. Then fussing starts, asking for a snack for the first of a hundred times starts.

School starts and who knows if it will be a good day or not. We average about 1 REALLY good day out of 4. We take Mondays off since Brian is off that day.

I just want a change. I don't know what kind, just a change.

I did change my looks. Brian cut off 6-8 inches of my hair last weekend, at my request. I now have a chin bob and really love it. But I am still restless.

I have been on an emotional roller coaster lately. We thought a big change was coming and then that got shot down. Now we can see God was saving us from serious heartache. I guess I am still not over the disappointment even though God saved us from it. Just the thought of somewhere new and different was so exciting.

No real point to all this blabbering. Just hoping typing it out would help.


Penney jordan said...

hiya i just went onto tne net to help me with my soup and you inspired me when i read about you.I'm going throush possible divorse and then read tied. I no that feeling but to no you can lean on God helps but so do the people he has lined up for us like seasons. What ever is going on for you stay strong ,the enemy will only creep in through the gaps like he is doing in my life. Feel better for sharing that to oh by the way I'm Penney fom England.

B said...

I feel like this so often.... (((Hugs)))

Leat said...

Hi Penney! Thanks for leaving a comment! I'm sorry you are going through such a rough time right now.

Thanks B!