Monday, January 4, 2010

My New Year's Wishalutions

Ah, it's that time again. Make a big list of things I wish to accomplish in this a new year. Like most people, I know most will get laid aside, some sooner than later. But, maybe just maybe THIS time will be different. Maybe This time I'll stick with them long enough to make it a habit.

Here is one of the boys favorite riddles:

Why should you never tell a secret to a clock?

Because time will always tell!

Ok, please pick yourself up off the floor where you fell out of the chair laughing so hard. Better yet, just manage to get to your knees and pray for me and I'll pray for you. We'll stick to most of our wishalutions together. :)

On to the list.

1. Spend more than 5 minutes a day in the Word. Not just read and walk away, but read and meditate, listen for that still small voice.

2. Be a better wife and Mom. Not just go through the motions. Be there in the moment, enjoy my husband and children, spend more time playing with them,reading with them.

3. Only drink coffee on the weekends. I've gotten into a coffee habit. The trouble is I have to doctor it up too much. I have to have sugar and 1/2 & 1/2. A tsp of sugar here, a tsp there; it's adding up (& out!). By the way here & there are my tummy and bum. So, I'm switching to green tea. Which brings me to wishalution #4.

4. Do an exercise dvd or exercise in SOME way at least 30 minutes every day. Along with this comes the drink more water. I need to drink a lot more water.

5. I think I am most excited about #5. Soon I'll be ordering some heirloom seeds and starting a herb garden on my kitchen counter top! I've been thinking about it for a couple years. I get intimidated easily if I think on something too much,but this year I think I'm finally ready to take the plunge.

So there they are. My 2010 Wishalutions. Remember don't just wish me luck! Let's pray for each other!


1 comment:

joyful mama said...

You must start some herbs, you'll love it!!!